I'm not so ranty now.
The missing USB arrived in the next day's post. The HP monochrome laser printer (forty pounds - how can this be) installed easily. So cheap, no ink, how does it actually work? Obviously no scanner, copier and no fax but I only use a printer for business letters, whereas up until last year I had to scan and copy quite a few documents.
The fax on the old printer was a nuisance. I never installed this facility but my builders still faxes and every time he sent me one the HP the fax would kick in, the printer went berserk, print the fax and disrupt my phone line. So when I answered the phone I got the Burbling associated with a fax, my Answerphone wouldn't work and that's how I came to lose the printer all together as every time this happened I uninstalled it, then reinstalled it - but it wasn't having it this time.
The DVD Handset? The TV technician came today and it wasn't broken. It needed replacement batteries. But how come? I'd changed them, bloke changed them, daughter changed them and it wouldn't work for any of us. It does now.
I am still ranting about Hillary's Blinds. I ordered my internal shutters in November. Measured up, paid a 50% deposit and as I was about to tell the representitive that I didn't want them fitted until the end of January when the decorating would be finished he said,
'They won't be here until the end of January as they are made in China and shipped across.'
Because this suited me anyway I accepted the time-line. I would/should never have said yes otherwise.
They'd better fit.
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